Design Event began in 2005 as a festival and has grown to be an organisation delivering an annual programme of design based exhibitions and events across the North East. Each year a festival is curated celebrating design across the North East region and hold a programme of talks, exhibitions and workshops with leading designers in their fields. This year Design Event '09 has been organised with the theme of politics and play and this exhibition to which I have submitted is the first event of the festival, titled 'Democracy'. The brief was to create visual interpretations of what Democracy means to us. The exhibition is completely democratic, anyone can vote, post comments online on the submission site. Then from the 14th October 2009 the best work is going to be exhibited via projectors at the Square Yard Gallery, Blandford Square and voting will carry on via text and ballot boxes at the exhibition so that the exhibition is constantly changing, just to keep things extra interesting. My ideas stemmed from the feeling that democracy in this country is not at it's best at the minute and I feel that in the current political climate the general public is having the proverbial wool pulled over our eyes. That is the theme behind the 1st and 2nd pieces. I wanted to show two very different demographics and environments to which this is occurring, the workplace, and in this case a loading bay and to the student population in there common meeting place, a beer garden! The 3rd piece stems from the idea that democracy is both cherished and enforced. The style of this piece is very different from the first two but I think this is a good thing as it creates variety in my portfolio. We were encouraged to campaign both online and by word of mouth to maximise our chances of success, and in the name of democracy!
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