This is my final design for my negotiated brief. The negotiated brief is a project that all second year foundation degree students undertake, the aim of the brief is to let students understand the creative process from beginning to end by asking them to write their own brief and see it through every stage. I decided to use this brief and the time allocated to create a self promotional piece to be used as a mailer with my CV in the future when applying for placements and jobs. The brief I wrote stipulated that this little book would be about ginger facts, coining the phrase 'a gingersaurus' but more importantly would have a major focus on humour throughout. Another stipulation of my brief was that each spread would have to be different in style and content to effectively represent my skills as a designer and also add to the quirky feel of the final design. I really enjoyed this experience, the research tasks were incredibly fun for me as a ginger as I got to read a lot of funny stories, facts and myths surrounding the hair colour and then got to combine this with inspirational research of a variety of styles in design and illustration that not only helped me when designing my little book but that will stay in my collection of inspirational work for a long time. This brief was not only a lot of fun however, it gave me leave to learn about an aspect of design I have always been very curious about and had a sneaking suspicion would thoroughly enjoy: book design. This encapsulated learning about printing techniques, paper stocks and format and really getting to grips with grid systems, why we use them and how to use them effectively as well as refreshing on software I unfortunately do not get to use as often as I would like. Overall I am really proud of how my work has turned out and thoroughly enjoyed the process, this brief has shown me just how interested I am in book design and this area of design is definitely something I will be revisiting when the opportunity arises.
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