This is my final collection of designs for the event 'The Big Brownie Bake Off'. A digital poster, a screen printed poster, ticket design, event information booklet, ticket pouch, event branded medium and large brownie bags, brownie box and apron design. I am really happy with the direction my work took and if I had been given longer to develop my event designs further I would love to have taken them away from print on to screen in the form of a micro site, website and web banner, with even the possibility of a sting or integrated an animation into the website/micro site. But as it stands I really like the outcome and think this whole body of work will sit well in my portfolio. I really enjoyed this project and how it was run like a real client would approach and deal with a design team or individual. We were tasked with original design problem which formed the basis of the entire project but as we went along the 'client' (our lecturer Roger) threw new extensions at us like a client could making us think bigger and really allowing us the take our concept further. One thing that really stood out to me during this project and something I have noticed over the past couple of years which I really think deserves mentioning is the major development of environmentally conscious design not being so much as a special attention to detail anymore but common practise, something we all think about when producing concepts; how would this be made, what materials could we use, could they be re-used in an interesting way. I think what started out out as an aesthetic movement (the hand made, hand rendered, back to basic movement) has finally seeped into our conscious working minds and we are really beginning to think about not only what our designs will do to and for our audiences but also our responsibility to sustainability in the design industry.
I think this is fantastic news, if student designers are thinking this way it can only be good news for the industry and ultimately the environment. (Oh hello soap box, its been a while.)
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