The images above show the ideas I am working on for the spreads and contents page for VL magazine. I have a very specific look for the magazine I going to produce, I have since I first read the brief, but bringing these concepts into the real world is not going to be easy. I have sketched out the beginning of these ideas and have no doubt they will change whether a little or utterly between now and the deadline (which is in six weeks or so :|) but I am confident I can take them onto screen and develop them into what I hope will be a triumph in Editorial Design for my portfolio. As you can see I am working on different concepts in typography, style, illustration and materials for each of the spreads with a three column grid structure running throughout each DPS to create some sort of uniformity. Uniformity will also be created by the format of the magazine staying the same throughout this 'section' as each DPS wil have its own cover page, this gives me the opportunity to design for each film over 4 pages rather than 2, creating a bigger canvas to express the themes and genre of each film through typography, illustration and mixed media. This attempt at bringing all the spreads together through the use of the techniques above as well as the page furniture which will also be uniformed (though only on the pages with copy, the cover pages will be page furniture free) is to stop the spreads from seeming disjointed as there is little aesthetic tying them together, each spread is different. This is intentional for several reasons; this really enforces the philosophy of the magazine, to be creative, it also serves to represent the work of each individual creative in a different way, representing the complete differences between the films being reviewed, it also serves me as a design student as this will help showcase my skills over as many different pieces as I can muster for my portfolio, my final show and also this module. So now to the MacBook Pro, to start digitally sketching out my ideas and filling them with copy I made earlier.
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