These images show the results of two critiques that have taken place over the past two weeks. I have been working on these concepts on screen for a few weeks (whilst also working on another 60 credit module I have titled 'Hello, my name is Emma and I'm a Penguin', the meaning behind this will be explained in the near future as I will be blogging my way through the creative process of this particular conundrum soon enough). I have not included the development work between the ideas on paper stage and this as there are only so many screenshots one can stomach. This creative process has been a labour of love, working to get my ideas from my brain to screen was not an easy modus operandi, I had such a specific image in my minds eye of what I wanted VL to look like and after long hours on the Mac I have got the digital foundations of the final output. The two crits I mention above have gone a long way to refining these concepts and getting the editorial basics in grid structure, page furniture and body copy at their best as well as composition and layout. At this point in the development I am still waiting on illustration from the wonderful Rae Carter, she is currently working on two pieces for these spreads. The first is a portrait of Hailee Steinfeld for the True Grit spread, currently in its place is placeholder image of the actress on a horse. The second piece I am waiting for is to be a full page illustration of Alice falling down the rabbit hole for the Alice and Wonderland DPS introduction page, I have given Rae some art direction for this spread using the illustration I found whilst conducting research, but Rae is using this merely as a basis forcomposition in terms of size and space and giving the concept her own interpretation. I am now going to be taking these concepts even further, the big push it is sometimes called, and hurl myself towards the finish line and the 17th March (deadline day). As you can see from the last 13 images which are the product of the latest crit I have a few changes to make to the spreads before I can start producing the final mock up of VL. The concepts, as I have lain out in all research posts, are to be completed using a variety of techniques including screenprinting, foiling, flocking, conventional inkjet printing (using the biggest printer I have ever seen, honestly it looks like a spaceship) and the construction of a device known the industry insiders as a belly band entreated with the magazine masthead. I am going into the screen-printing room next week to take VL into its final development stage and hopefully production of my final mock up, watch this space, there will be pictures and I am guessing some of them will be quite funny (obviously not for me as I will probably be pulling my hair out).
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